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GenomeHubs comprises a set of tools to parse index and search and display genomic metadata, assembly features and sequencing status for projects under the Earth BioGenome Project umbrella that aim to sequence all described eukaryotic species over a period of 10 years.

Genomehubs builds on legacy code that supported taxon-oriented databases of butterflies & moths (, molluscs (, mealybugs ( and more. Genomehubs is now search-oriented and positioned to scale to the challenges of mining data across almost 2 million species.

The first output from the new search-oriented GenomeHubs is Genomes on a Tree (GoaT,, which has been opublised in: Challis et al. 2023, Genomes on a Tree (GoaT): A versatile, scalable search engine for genomic and sequencing project metadata across the eukaryotic tree of life. Wellcome Open Research, 8:24 doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.18658.1

The website is freely available with no logins or restrictions, and is being widely used by the academic community and especially by the Earth BioGenome Project to plan and coordinate efforts to sequence all described eukaryotic species.

The core GoaT/Genomehubs components are available as a set of Docker containers:

GoaT UI Docker image

A bundled web server to run a GoaT-specific instance of the GenomeHubs UI, as used at


docker pull genomehubs/goat:latest

docker run -d --restart always \
    --net net-es -p 8880:8880 \
    --user $UID:$GROUPS \
    -e GH_CLIENT_PORT=8880 \
    -e GH_API_URL= \
    -e GH_SUGGESTED_TERM=Canidae \
    --name goat-ui \

Genomehubs UI Docker image

A bundled web server to run an instance of the GenomeHubs UI, such as


docker pull genomehubs/genomehubs-ui:latest

docker run -d --restart always \
    --net net-es -p 8880:8880 \
    --user $UID:$GROUPS \
    -e GH_CLIENT_PORT=8880 \
    -e GH_API_URL= \
    -e GH_SUGGESTED_TERM=Canidae \
    --name gh-ui \

Genomehubs API Docker image

A bundled web server to run an instance of the GenomeHubs API. The GenomeHubs API underpins all search functionality for Genomes on a Tree (GoaT) OpenAPI documentation for the GenomeHubs API instance used by GoaT is available at


docker pull genomehubs/genomehubs-api:latest

docker run -d \
    --restart always \
    --net net-es -p 3000:3000 \
    --user $UID:$GROUPS \
    -e GH_ORIGINS=" null" \
    -e GH_HUBNAME=goat \
    -e GH_HUBPATH="/genomehubs/resources/" \
    -e GH_NODE="http://es1:9200" \
    -e GH_API_URL= \
    -e GH_SOURCE= \
    -e GH_ACCESS_LOG=/genomehubs/logs/access.log \
    -e GH_ERROR_LOG=/genomehubs/logs/error.log \
    -v /volumes/docker/logs/$RELEASE:/genomehubs/logs \
    -v /volumes/docker/resources:/genomehubs/resources \
    --name goat-api \

Genomehubs CLI Docker image

command line tool to process and index genomic metadata for GenomeHubs. Used to build and update GenomeHubs instances such as Genomes on a Tree


docker pull genomehubs/genomehubs:latest

Parse [NCBI datasets]( genome assembly metadata:

docker run --rm --network=host \
    -v `pwd`/sources:/genomehubs/sources \
     genomehubs/genomehubs:latest bash -c \
        "genomehubs parse \
            --ncbi-datasets-genome sources/assembly-data \
            --outfile sources/assembly-data/ncbi_datasets_eukaryota.tsv.gz"

Initialise a set of ElasticSearch indexes with [NCBI taxonomy]( data for all eukaryotes:

docker run --rm --network=host \
    -v `pwd`/sources:/genomehubs/sources \
     genomehubs/genomehubs:latest bash -c \
        "genomehubs init \
            --es-host http://es1:9200 \
            --taxonomy-source ncbi \
            --config-file sources/goat.yaml \
            --taxonomy-jsonl sources/ena-taxonomy/ena-taxonomy.extra.jsonl.gz \
            --taxonomy-ncbi-root 2759 \

Index assembly metadata:

docker run --rm --network=host \
    -v `pwd`/sources:/genomehubs/sources \
     genomehubs/genomehubs:latest bash -c \
        "genomehubs index \
            --es-host http://es1:9200 \
            --taxonomy-source ncbi \
            --config-file sources/goat.yaml \
            --assembly-dir sources/assembly-data"

Fill taxon attribute values across the tree of life:

docker run --rm --network=host \
    -v `pwd`/sources:/genomehubs/sources \
     genomehubs/genomehubs:latest bash -c \
        "genomehubs fill \
            --es-host http://es1:9200 \
            --taxonomy-source ncbi \
            --config-file sources/goat.yaml \
            --traverse-root 2759 \